For most of us, our cars are more than just heavy slabs of metal. Some of us are obsessed with our vehicles. We demand that they run well and look good.
Depending upon where you live int he world, the family car plays many roles. Those of us living in rural areas depend on our vehicles to get from place to place every day. Even those in urban areas rely on their cars to get out of town from time to time.
When something goes wrong with our car, we sometimes panic. How will we get to work? How will the kids get to school? How will we get our weekly groceries? For these reasons alone, it's important to keep your car in tip-top running condition.
Keeping a car in optimum shape can be difficult these days given our current economic climate. This is where repairing your vehicle with quality used parts comes into play. Used parts will save you thousands of dollars over time. Just be sure to purchase from a dealer like Chuck and Eddie's where all parts come with a very liberal warranty period.
If you listen to the evening news, it doesn't sound like our economy will be taking a turn for the better any time soon. All the more reason to keep the current vehicle in good running shape. Many of us can not afford high car payments, interest and high insurance costs associated with purchasing a new car. You'll be surprised how long a vehicle will last with the proper maintenance and attention to the vehicle itself. Your car will tell you when it's ready for a new part. Most of the time it's just a new, unexpected sound under the hood or in one of the wheels. If not taken care of at that stage, the sound could escalate to a more serious situation, like a break down.
At the first sign of trouble, find out what part needs attention or replacement. Get the job done as soon as you can to avoid additional costs and inconveniences. Log on to, find the part you need and order it. We know you need the part fast, so you'll get it fast.
Don't get stuck, rely on Chuck (and Eddie's).
--Bruce Zubee
Ecommerce Manager