Purchasing used auto parts makes sense now more than ever. Not only do you save a trunk-load of money due to the low cost of used parts verses new, but you also help the environment by recycling a part that might otherwise end up in a place it doesn't belong.
Most of the time, used parts work just fine, but every once in a while a customer will complain of receiving a part that just plain doesn't work.
Sadly, it's virtually impossible to test every single part we sell but we do inspect each part for wear and look for signs that the part might not be in operating condition. Most of the time we're able to weed out parts that might not be reliable, but every so often one will get past us and end up with a customer.
We understand that even though we take the defective part back and issue a full refund that it's still very inconvenient for our customers. The parts team at Chuck and Eddies Used Auto Parts makes every effort to deliver a part that not only is in working order but one that will last for a long, long time.
To the few of you who may have received a less-than-perfect part, we sincerely apologize. We also encourange you to continue to purchase from us. Be it people or parts....nothing's perfect!